Why you need a new headshot – and how I can help
We’ve all seen them. Unflattering, outdated headshots. Awkward angles. Ill fitting blazers, with shoulder pads that scream 1981.
And I get it. For many of us, standing in front of a camera for our close-up brings on a cold sweat and shallow breath. To smile with teeth, or without? What about that unsightly pimple that will pop up the night before, you just know it? And the hair, up or down? Glasses, no glasses? Corporate or creative?
I. Get. It.
Believe me, as a photographer, I don’t always like getting my picture taken either. It can be a reminder of the things we’d like to change. A reality check that we aren’t 28 any more. Or, if you’re 28, that you aren’t 18.
But our headshots announce ourselves to the world. They don’t need to capture perfection, they need to capture our essential individuality. When we stop worrying about our image, and start imagining our best selves, suddenly getting our photo taken becomes something we can anticipate with excitement.
The last thing we want is a headshot that screams 1999, when in fact we’ve doubled our experience and depth of knowledge since then. The pandemic brought into sharp focus the human side of even our most senior leaders. So the headshots of 2023 are more like portraits of how we want to be perceived. Thoughtful, competent, warm, engaged are all things we might strive for. Ditto for funny, inclusive, incisive, creative.
Today’s modern headshot is about capturing the thing that makes you authentically, unapologetically, unabashedly yourself.
And, as your Ottawa headshot photographer, I happily accept that challenge.
This is a partnership, where the more comfortable I can help you feel, the better the results. The best thing you can bring to your session is the belief that you have something unique and special to share.
Trust me, I’ll see it. And when we’re finished, so will everyone else.
For more information, please visit my Facebook page or click over to the headshot information page on this site for further details. I’m always available to answer questions or discuss how an updated headshot can help you!